Hey Gang -
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! It has been awhile since my last report. I apologize for the delay, but y'all have been keeping me very busy! I have been guiding 6 days a week, often doing a full day trip followed by a half day trip to accommodate all my new folks and regulars as well. Those 14 hour fishing days keep me going with not much time for anything else. LOL. I still love it and appreciate everyone so much. Thank you! I just hate the thought of turning anyone away. Guiding my customers is my priority. If you want to fish, I will find a time for you!
Before we get to the fishing, I am excited to announce that my next Seminar has been set.
Saturday, August 15, 2015 will be the next installment in the Jimbo Seminar Series. The last one was very well attended as we maxed out space with over 100 people, so we have found a larger venue to host the next event. We will focus on techniques for Fall and Early Winter Fishing on Lanier, and will cover key topics such as: Brush Fishing, Topwater and Swimbaits, Deepwater Dropshot, SuperSpin in the ditches, Effective Use of Crankbaits in the Fall, Spoon Fishing, Early Winter Jig Fishing, along with Lure and Tackle choices with examples for every technique. We will have more vendors as well as some great door prizes and raffles. Refreshments will be served. Seminar will start at 8:30 AM and conclude at 12:30 PM. Doors open at 7:30 AM and we will have a mid-morning break. Also, for those interested and to make sure everyone's questions get answered, I will host a special post-seminar round-table from 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM for anyone that wants to stay afterwards. The event will be held at Grace Chapel here in Cumming, which is conveniently located off Exit 13 from GA 400 at 6755 Majors Road. Call me direct or email me to register. 770-542-7764 or jim@laniermapped.com. Cost is $89 if you register and pay by August 1, 2015, or $115 at the door. Can't wait to see you all there for what promises to be another outstanding event that is sure to get you prepared for the awesome fall fishing on Lanier!
Speaking of fishing, why don't we talk about that! The bite on Lanier remains very good. More options have opened up in terms of patterns with the warmer weather. Topwater is still there, it's just not as much of an all-day thing as it was. We are still finding very good stretches with the Gunfish throughout the day in the right places. The 20-25 ft. brush located near a sharper depth break seems to be much more consistent than the brush on the flatter stuff. Look for points and humps with deep water nearby and with significant contour breaks to be your best bet for the topwater and swimbait bite right now. The first hour of the day still offers a good schooling bite around steeper rocky points and deeper bays. You can generally call up a few, but getting in the middle of the action is still your best bet.
Next up is the SuperSpin. This bite has really came on in the last couple of weeks. Slow reeling the bait over 20-25 ft. brush or throwing it into schooling fish has been very effective. We have been tipping a 1/2 oz SuperSpin with a Little Dipper or a Swimming Fluke. Steady reel the bait with an occasional rod pop to trigger strikes from followers.
We have also found a good jig bite on rocky points in the 15-20 ft range as well as in the brush. Slow drag a 3/8 Chattahoochee Jig in PBJ on rocky points for some nice fish. A 5" Yamamoto twin tail in Cinn/Black Flake is my trailer of choice. Also, work the same jig slowly through brush when the fish will not come up. A drop shot has been effective also in picking up those less aggressive fish in an around brush in the 20-30 ft range. I am looking forward to trying Lanier Bait's new selection of Drop Shot worms as they have been getting a bunch of attention on social media recently. I think Jimmy has some on the way to me now...
I have some great pics to share this week with some great stories. Up top, the three on the right are Jason and his son Jackson. They were out with me on a topwater trip recently and just POUNDED monster spots. 9 year old Jackson caught the first one a gunfish all by himself. He is one awesome little angler. Watch out gang, this kids coming!! On the second row, we again have Tom D with his very own highlight reel, as usual. Tom has been out with me on several trips this year and on his last trip had the best fishing trip of his life on topwater. He came back 2 weeks later and came close to doing it again. We started on a bream bed bite that morning and caught 2 big LM first thing, and when the sun got up we ran the brush for some big spots on a chug bug. He has come so far this year with me, his progress really makes me proud. Great job Tom!! On the bottom set of pics are some results from a couple of recent spot tail trips I have done. Campbell and Smith are pictured on the right, and on the left side, young Nicholas. He was out with me on a very successful spot tail trip a few years ago which we caught on video and is still up on my website. Well, a much more grown-up Nicholas came back for another round and had another great day. It was awesome to see how much he had grown up and advanced in his fishing. Spot tail fish is a great way to just catch fish. Young, old, experienced or not, it's a blast. Make sure to schedule your spot tail trip for this summer!
Here is what I have open for the first part of July: 2, 6, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Also have a few dates open later in the month. July is a great time to work on the SuperSpin bite, Deep Water Dropshot, and jig bite, not to mention some topwater here and there. As I mentioned above, it's also a great time to spot tail fish. Give me a call and let's go catching!!
Thanks to all, and May God Bless!
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