Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jimbo's Lake Lake Lanier Fishing Guide Report: 4/5/2012

Hey Gang -

It has been fantastic out on the water this week as well as last. I took the weekend off as my in-laws were in town. It provided a great opportunity for me to re-introduce myself to my family as well! They had forgotten who I was! So, after recharging the batteries over the weekend, I was back in the saddle on Monday.

I have alot of pictures to catch up on from last week and this week as well - they are attached - check them out!

A highlight from last week - I had Marty out with me for our second trip together. I was honored to guide Marty to his biggest spot ever that day. Marty caught his big fish on a topwater first thing that morning. We hammered fish through the day and ended with a really nice stringer and around 40 fish for the day.

Congrats to Marty on an awesome day throwing topwater and spinnerbaits - it was a blast!!

Now on to Monday. I had a "4 ball" that day (golf reference)as Rick Steckleberg of Sworming Hornet Lures and I guided four anglers on separate boats. We hammered good fish all day long - Monday was a special day. We had about 75 fish between the 2 boats and many of them very solid fish. I don't have pictures from Rick's boat, but Brad and Bart from my boat are included in the pictures attached. Its the Ohio State guy!

Rick and I fished in the same areas and split up holes through the day so the guys could taunt each other with their catches. We met up several times through the day to share stories and break bread...and let the guys in my boat load up on the suds! LOL! These guys had a blast with Rick and I - they are in a hurry to come back and do that again. What a great day.

On Monday, we focused on rocky points and islands with topwater in the morning, then a Wackem ice worm dipped in JJ's Magic chartreuse on a Davis Shaky Head through the remainder of the day. The better fish seemed to be in the 12-15 foot range on the rock. A big thanks to Rick for his help on Monday!

On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of taking out Ron and his neighbor's son, Wihan, for a morning trip. Ron and Wihan both are fairly new to bass fishing. I had Ron out one day last fall, and he had been away from fishing for a bit, but came back with a vengeance on Tuesday!

I was so proud of these guys. We caught some very nice fish through the day, and young Wihan had big fish for the day which is also included in the attached pictures. Wihan is also pictured with a nice double that Ron and I actually had - Wihan was happy to volunteer to hold the fish for a pic! We worked Wackem worms on Davis Shaky Heads in 6-14 feet of water on rocky points and islands for all of our fish that day.

Our most exciting moment came when Wihan hooked an absolute beast of a spot. I knew he had a monster as soon as he hooked it, and the battle was on. Unfortunately sports fans, Wihan lost that battle in the end. I watched his spot come to the surface about 10 feet from the boat...and folks it was every bit of 6 pounds and more...a true trophy. When the fish surfaced, the game ended as the hook popped right out and came flying back at Wihan. The great thing was watching his face in that moment...I can assure you that kid will fish the rest of his life. That was a special moment for me - I knew we had successfully introduced another person to a lifetime of enjoyment and reward.

I am booked the rest of this week as well as all of next week. My open dates left in April: 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 30. Be sure to give me a call and let's go fish!! April and May are shaping up to be outstanding - don't miss out on this exciting time! The topwater bite should continue to get better and better.

Lastly, please make sure to check out my full page article in this month's edition of Coastal Angler Magazine. It is a good read on post-spawn fishing. I hope it helps y'all catch more fish! I will be back soon with pictures and reports! For fishing reports on other Georgia lakes, check out

Thanks to all, and May God Bless!


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